University of Mount Union is seeking vendors for the return of its ArtFest.
The 58th ArtFest, sponsored by Mount Union and Alliance Area Chamber of Commerce, will run 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sept. 17 on campus by the Campus Lakes.
The ArtFest committee seeks fine art in the traditional and modern media, such as watercolor/acrylic under glass, oil/acrylic without glass, collage, graphics, drawing, pastels, sculpture, painting, ceramics, printmaking and photography, and functional craft that has a specific utility yet it is creative either in its purpose or aesthetic appearance, such as jewelry, fiber, woodworking, glass, enameling, mirrors, purses/bags, soaps, candles, lights, tables and mirrors.
The event will feature artwork that is both on display and for sale.
Booth fees for ArtFest will start at an early-bird rate of $30 through July 31, with a regular adult rate of $40 from Aug. 1 through Sept. 16. Booth fees will be waived for junior vendors (ages 12-18) or collegiate (enrolled in college) vendors. Day-of registration fee is $50 per space.
Cash awards and ribbons will be presented to the top artists in each category, as well as a Best of Show. In addition, there will be awards presented in the junior and collegiate categories along with a People’s Choice award. Awards are given for original works only and at the discretion of the judges.
This year’s judge is Lisa Parnell, an assistant professor of art at Mount Union. She is a multidisciplinary graphic designer, illustrator, painter and designer. Originally from London, Parnell earned her bachelor of science in sustainable graphics and packaging from Bournemouth University and a master of fine arts in communication design from Kent State University.
In addition to vendor booths, attendees can check out the Carnation City Food Truck Rally. The event also will include musical entertainment from Alliance and Mount Union.
For more information, contact or 330-823-6063. Register at